1. Introduction | AWS | AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Course SAA-C03 | Parth Virani

About Course


Hello and welcome to the AWS-certified solutions architecture associate course. My name is Parth Virani and I will be your instructor for this course. So I'm delighted to have you here.

Welcome! We’re starting in 5 minutes


We're going to start in five minutes so please pay attention to this lecture.

So we are going to prepare for the solutions architect exam of code SAA-C03 and it's a challenging, yet super interesting certification.

And this course will cover everything you need to know to pass the certification.

So this course is long.

It's about 25 hours long but I will make sure it's my promise to you to keep it as interesting as possible along the way.

You will learn a lot.

I expect you to know some basic things about IT.

Although I will teach you a few things along the way and be sure of one thing I will teach you everything you need to know about AWS.

This course is dedicated to solution architecture.

And so we will do a deep dive into this in the course.

We will cover over 30 AWS services in depth.

So you will learn a lot And finally, if you're a beginner in AWS you are more than welcome.

Just take your time with this course.

It's not a race and if you need to revisit the course a second time or revisit some videos, it is okay.

Many students have to do it before mastering all the concepts.

About me


Here is a bit about me.

I worked as IT Consultant and Flutter Developer

and I also worked with aws many years and including hosting websites, databases and scaling them

But now I am going to learn aws in deep, so the best way to learn this is to teach along the way.

So why should I teach this course to you?

Well, I am learning this from online resources and also from classes. I also read lots of material like blogs, docs, and official docs. So I think why not learn in public and also teach on youtube and so hopefully i can teach to you and in this way, we can learn & grow together.

What’s AWS?


So very shortly, we'll have a lot more deep dive into what's AWS, AWS stands for Amazon web services and it is a cloud provider.

It provides you with servers and services that you can use on-demand and scale easily, which is a big, big difference from what you used to do on-premises in your data center where you had to order your servers physically and install them before being able to use them.

On the cloud, we can get them whenever we want so on demand and we can have as many as we want so we can scale easily.

And thanks to AWS as it has been transformed.

And now today, AWS power some of the biggest websites in the world.

So you will be surprised, not surprised about amazon.com obviously because well AWS belongs to Amazon, but Netflix, they don't own a single server.

They rent everything from AWS which allows Netflix to run at scale.

What we’ll learn in this course (and more!)


So, what are we going to learn in this course? Well,

we're going to learn a lot about AWS services.

As you can see some of them are right here.

There's even more, but I didn't wanna show them.

So don't feel overwhelmed.

My goal is to teach and show you one by one.

Navigating the AWS Noodles


So I like to say that AWS is noodles or Something like that because all these services are linked and interconnected with one another.

But with me, we're going to navigate the AWS entire noodles, have a very good meal, and learn AWS together.

So I hope you're excited.

I'm excited to teach you this course and will see you in the next lecture.

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